Grove Pi Temp and humidity sensor

I’m using the Brickpi image. Sensor is Temp and humidity sensor.
I modified the for dht as follows


GrovePi + Grove Temperature & Humidity Sensor Pro

import grovepi

Connect the Grove Temperature & Humidity Sensor Pro to digital port D4


sensor = 7

while True:
[temp,humidity] = grovepi.dht(sensor,0) <------------- using 0 instead of 1
print “temp =”, temp, " humidity =", humidity

except IOError:
    print "Error"


On running this, getting following log…

temp = 25.0 humidity = 46.0
temp = 25.0 humidity = 46.0
temp = 26.0 humidity = 46.0
temp = 26.0 humidity = 46.0
temp = 25.0 humidity = 46.0
temp = 26.0 humidity = 46.0
temp = 25.0 humidity = 46.0
temp = 25.0 humidity = 46.0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 12, in <module>
[temp,humidity] = grovepi.dht(sensor,0)
TypeError: ‘int’ object is not iterable

What is the reason of IOError ? How to fix this?

The IOError shows up if the GrovePi loses a data packet when communicating with the RaspberryPi. It is nothing much to worky about and you should just add an exception handler to catch the TypeError and move on, something like except TypeError: pass.
