Hi I am working with Grove PI plus shield and now trying to interface it with RPi 4.
As I am not getting any output when running the programs to interface different sensors while on the same time I am not getting any errors also.
My Pi4 is also detecting the shield as per the instructions given for GrovePI+ shield. Need help in working it out.
Question are you using Raspbian for Robots? It is based on Raspbian Stretch. When the RPi4 came out it was after the new Raspbian Buster was released. Potentially that may be the issue. I recommend giving stock Raspbian a shot. https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/
And you can install the grovepi software from here:
## **DI GrovePi** [![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Docs-available-electric.svg)](https://dexterind.github.io/GrovePi) [![MIT license](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg)](LICENSE)
<!-- Remember to add https://mit-license.org/ of our own -->
The GrovePi is an open-source platform for connecting Grove Sensors to the Rasberry Pi. Create IoT (Internet of Things) devices and inventions without the need of soldering!
Its official API is written in Python, but it can also be interfaced with in other languages such as C, C#, Go and NodeJS. These other variations of the same library came from our contributors.
## Getting Started
In order to quick install the `GrovePi` repository, open up a terminal and type the following command:
curl -kL dexterindustries.com/update_grovepi | bash
The same command can be used for updating the `GrovePi` to the latest version. For more details on how you can install/update your `GrovePi`, please check this [README](Script/README.md).
To flash the latest firmware to the GrovePi, run
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Let me know if you have any difficulties.