I’m experiencing two problems:
- stacking a GrovePi+ on top of a SparqEE Shield (see http://www.dexterindustries.com/forum/?topic=soft-resetting-the-grovepi)
- having filled all available Grove connectors (see http://www.dexterindustries.com/forum/?topic=having-more-grove-modules-than-connectors-on-the-grovepi)
Maybe both of them can be addressed by stacking and some suggestions.
I know that stacking two or more GrovePi is covered on http://www.dexterindustries.com/forum/?topic=stcking-multiple-grovepi and I would love to see a parametrizable kernel and library in the future.
On http://www.dexterindustries.com/forum/?topic=what-pi-gpio-pins-does-the-grovepi-use i see:
GrovePi uses the I2C pins for communicating with the Raspberry Pi (GPIO 0,1 in Rev 1 and GPIO 2,3 in Rev 2). The SPI pins are also used when updating the firmware, so you can use all the pins except the I2C pins.
So I can see only this problems when stacking:
- two boards or modules present the same address on the I2C bus
- two boards try to use SPI for communication at the same time
- some board may not pass along all pins from the Raspberry Pi to other board (e.g. GrovePi+ would pass only the first 26 pins - even if B+ now has 40 pins - so it should be connected as the last one, maybe)
Am I right?
Do you know that something like the PiFace Rack (see http://www.piface.org.uk/products/piface_rack/) could help?