Hardware Issues

First off i just want to say, i love the Gopigo in an educational environment. I purchased 5 of them for our school.

I am however, having some issues with a couple of them. on one it seems like one of the motors are going bad already, it clicks and runs slower than the other, so the Gopigo is constantly driving at an angle.

The second one is a bigger issue. I think i have it diagnosed down to the Gopigo board itself (the red board). When logged in and programing the Gopigo, it randomly disconnects, and when i can actually do some programming, the wheels will only drive forward, no other commands work. I have tested the SD card, Wifi module, raspberry pi,and the motors separately by connecting them to one of the Gopigo’s that work perfectly, and there are no issues. but if i connect the Gopigo board to another system, i have the same issue, no commands except forward work.

Keep in mind, i am still new at this, and we are using Scratch programing to do this.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hey Andrew,
Can you follow the instructions here and run the troubleshooting script for the bad GoPiGo and upload log here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMadpIEYq5o. That would really help us to solve the problem.

If the gopigo turns towards one of the sides, you can reduce that by adding a trim to one of the motors. Follow the guide here to do that: http://www.dexterindustries.com/GoPiGo/programming/python-programming-for-the-raspberry-pi-gopigo/add-trim-to-the-motors/.


Hey Andrew, chiming in here with karan. First, thanks for loving the product. I’m sorry about the speedbumps, we’ll work with you through it though.

Karan has a great recommendation to check the trim of the robot that’s not driving straight. One other thing to check for this problem:
The second one is a bigger issue. I think i have it diagnosed down to the Gopigo board itself (the red board). When logged in and programing the Gopigo, it randomly disconnects, and when i can actually do some programming, the wheels will only drive forward, no other commands work. I have tested the SD card, Wifi module, raspberry pi,and the motors separately by connecting them to one of the Gopigo’s that work perfectly, and there are no issues. but if i connect the Gopigo board to another system, i have the same issue, no commands except forward work.

You might update the firmware on this device. on the desktop for the GoPiGo, you would run the software update, and then select the update firmware option.

Please let us know how these two options work out. If we can help further, let us know that too!

Thanks, for the info, i have not had a chance to run the test. however, the trimming of the motor did not work, so i decided to take the motor apart to look at it, and one of the small gears is stripped completely. Just thought i would update.

Hey Andrew,
Can you post a picture of the gears which are stripped out. Also, how long have you been using that motor and was the problem there from the beginning or did it start after some usage.


Hey Andrew, hopping in here. We’ll replace the broken motors asap. If you can contact our customer support folks here: http://dexterindustries.com/contact we can arrange to send you replacements. Really sorry they stripped so easily, we’ll make it right!

Attached is the picture. The issue started after about 2 class periods of use.

Were you able to contact our support folks yet to get replacement motors?

I have contacted them, but I have not heard anything back yet.

Just checked, it was submitted on Friday (late? looks like it was 2300 Dubai time) so Amber will probably respond to it on Monday morning.

Attached is the log file.

Hey Andrew,
Is that log for any other issue, though I noticed that the batteries are reporting very low voltage. Also, did the support folks get back to you.


Yes, my motors are on their way. Thank you.

That log is for the Gopigo board that doesn’t want to work right. when trying to get it to move, it will only drive forward.

Quote from previous post:

“The second one is a bigger issue. I think i have it diagnosed down to the Gopigo board itself (the red board). When logged in and programing the Gopigo, it randomly disconnects, and when i can actually do some programming, the wheels will only drive forward, no other commands work. I have tested the SD card, Wifi module, raspberry pi,and the motors separately by connecting them to one of the Gopigo’s that work perfectly, and there are no issues. but if i connect the Gopigo board to another system, i have the same issue, no commands except forward work.”

As far as the batteries go, they might have been low when i ran that test, but even with fresh batteries i have the same issue with the board.


Hey Andrew,
Do let us know if the problem gets resolved with the newer motors.


I think we have a motor with a stripped gear as well.
Can turn wheel but encoder won’t turn.
I wonder if I can 3D print a gear???


Hi Brian,
Sorry to hear about that. Can you post a video of the broken motor. Also, how long have you been using that motor and was the problem there from the beginning or did it start after some usage.


Hi Karan,
The motor problem appeared after a few hours of use over a couple of weeks.
Video attached.

smaller video file attached

It really looks like the motor is broken and there is not a lot that can be done for it. Thanks a lot for testing it out. I’m really sorry for the frustration.
Can you contact us here, under “General Questions and Feedback”: http://www.dexterindustries.com/site/?page_id=65. We will have one shipped to you immediately. Can you add a link to this post when you contact us.

Again, I’m really sorry to hear about this; we’ll make it right immediately.


We have had 2 more motors fail with the same condition as shown in the attached video.
It seems as though when the wheels are externally stopped from turning and power is still applied to them, they break the axle connection to the first gear.
Is there any feedback logic from the encoder ccts to reduce power to the motors if no motion is sensed from the encoders?