How to connect the ultrasensor to the robot, where do I plug the female to female wire in?

How do you connect the ultrasensor to the board. Do I connect to the raspberry pi board or the dexter board.

What Ultrasonic sensor board are you trying to interface to?

What version of GoPiGo are you using? ( original, 2, 3 )

Do you have a “Grove” cable (4 pin/wires) available?

The female to female cable is often used for the “trigger”, combined with a three wire “servo” (5v signal, 5v supply , gnd) cable in non-GoPiGo solutions.

My understanding is that reliability issues arose with interfacing Ultrasound sensors to the GoPiGo which prompted the change to the time-of-flight distance sensor. The Ultrasonic sensor is apparently no longer a supported sensor for the GoPiGo.

we are trying to connect it to the Dexter board
but all the research we have done show us to connect to the raspberry board.
we have a gopigo 3
no we don’t have a four pin wire

also there is a bigger problem. after we connect the sensor to the raspberry board last time, and it didn’t work. So we unpluged it. But now the dexter board doesn’t work anymore. We can’t turn it on, can’t turn it off. When we turn it on. The light just keeps flashing green forever. And when we try to turn it off, it flashs bule light .

are u trying # HC-SR04 ?? or the dexter one ?

check above url if dexter one connect to I2c or HC-SR04 connect to “Analog Digital"

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thanks. I do need a 4 pin wire right?

yes as vcc,gnd,trig & eco pins look for grove cable four pin.
do verify pins polarity before powering on.

So which sensor are you trying to attach?
The Dexter distance sensor would connect to one of the ports at the front of the red board and would come with its own cable, ready to attach.

I’m more concerned about your GoPiGo no longer working. That sounds like a corrupt SD card.


As far as I remember, there’s a difference between HC-SR04 and the Grove Ultrasonic Sensor, although I’m not exactly sure what constitutes the difference - I haven’t tried it and I don’t have an HC-SR04.

I’d go for the safe way and get the Grove Ultrasonic Sensor or better yet, the Dexter Industries Distance Sensor, which is more performant than the former.

Thank you!

I only have the ultrasonic sensor, which is HC-SR04. I can deal with the wire problem. But the bot is no longer working. I tried to rebot the sd card, but It didn’t work. I might use the wrong file, cause their were like 3 different files, do I need to do all three of them or just one of them. Sorry for the late respond, I was trying to slove it so hard, because it’s my final project, now I might get a c on this project. Really greatful for your help.

I am uncertain as to which files you’re referring to. Chances are pretty high that your SD card got corrupted in the process. The good news is that you can “reformat” it. You can follow our instructions here

Do not unzip the Raspbian For Robots file before using Etcher.

ok I will try again tomorrow . I will let you know what happens