I have an old GoPiGo 2 lying around. I loved it and it was a great bridge to advanced RPi robotics, which I’ve moved on to. However, there’s a bunch of sensors on it that I’d like to use in my latest RPi robot project. They are as follows:
Distance sensor
Line following sensor
Color sensor
I’ve seen the solder holes and contact pads, but I have a few questions:
How do I change the I2C logic level to 3v? I saw the solder pads to change some settings, but I’m not sure how they work. (Color sensor).
What code would I use? (All of them)
For the I2C ones, is there a way to do I2C addressing? I have an I2C board already on there, so I don’t want any interference.
I’m still a little confused as to how to code the sensors. I ran the setup script, and everything went as planned. However, I peeked at the class files for the line follower and saw a lot of references to the GoPiGo’s ports (on the red PCB). How do I establish a direct connection using the pins on the Pi and read data from the sensors?