Nice work, well documented!
Tom C
I have successfully installed the ROS Desktop option on a 16GB SD card with Raspbian Stretch OS running on a spare Rpi 3B+.
It took two hours for the package install and then four and a half hours for the build. The build function built 191 packages.
I plan to run my RPLidar A1 M8 following these instructions to make sure I get valid sensor returns. The RPLidar Node will not display sensor data when built with ROS minimum build.
Tom C
Shouldn’t this command string, from your installation instructions, have also created a GoPiGo3 directory in the Dexter directory as well as updating GoPiGo3: sudo curl -kL | bash| ?
There is only a DI_Sensors and a lib directory in the Dexter directory.
Tom C
I’m confused - you had Dexter/GoPiGo3 installed already on the GoPiGo3 Node card. Is this a new card you are building?
(I have in my notes to use sudo curl … but give it a try without.)
First reboot
Then vnc into bot
open cmd window (try without the sudo)
curl -kL | bash
Then reboot
What happens?
If still no ~/Dexter/GoPiGo3 folder, then try it with sudo curl …
If still no, make absolutely sure you don’t have a typo in the command ( you have an extra vertical bar and question mark in the command you pasted - should not be there)
If still no, boot up with a RaspbianForRobots image and make sure the GoPiGo3 board is being seen by the Raspberry Pi (run the desktop control panel)
There is one other possibility, when you were doing the update, some internet packet failures may have occurred. Running it again may fix that. I have at times had difficulty updating with the built-in wireless and actually had to add a WiFi dongle, and reboot till the dongle comes up as wlan0, and then do the update. (to see what ip address is wlan0 and wlan1 use
$ ifconfig
This was a fresh build using only Raspbian Stretch and ROS basic as in your instructions.
I executed curl -kL | bash after building the ROS basic install.
The “?” was there because I was asking a question. The command would not have executed with the “?” in the command line.
Will give your instructions above a try.
Tom C
Rerunning curl -kL | bash created the GoPiGo3 sub directory in the Dexter directory.
I suspect that if you have not installed R4R, then you have to run the curl -kL | bash twice, once to create the Dexter directory and then again to install GoPiGo3 in its own sub directory.
By the way, I still have the problem of not being able to copy and paste into the VNC Viewer Raspbian Desktop from Windows so I still have to type everything in manually to use the VNC Viewer Raspbian Desktop.
I may have found a solution here that will modify the tightvncserver xstartup file to allow copy and paste into the VNC Viewer Raspbian Desktop.
Update: After following the instructions in the link above, I rebooted, started tightvncserver, and then VNC’ed into the Raspbian Desktop and found that I can use the mouse to copy and paste and to use all of the other commands in the CLI!
I tried to run the GoPiGo3 Control Panel, but got a message saying that the GoPiGo3 Directory did not exist. However it does exist in Dexter and the path to the GoPiGo3/Software/Python/Examples/Control_Panel does exist along with code and the path is correct in the Desktop GoPiGo3 Control Panel shortcut.
Attempting to run python3 resulted in the following:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 14, in
import wx
ImportError: No module named ‘wx’
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 16, in
raise ImportError(“The wxPython module is required to run this program”)
ImportError: The wxPython module is required to run this program
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 14, in
import wx
ImportError: No module named ‘wx’
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 16, in
raise ImportError(“The wxPython module is required to run this program”)
ImportError: The wxPython module is required to run this program
Tom C