Interesting Useful Commands from "DietPi" distro

Discussing Linux distributions is always a risk, but while checking out what is “DietPi” OS, I discovered the following interesting commands:

Stat Command
Disk usage findmnt -no USED / # + /boot + /boot/efi + /boot/firmware
RAM usage free -th | mawk '/^Total:/{print $3}'
Pre-installed packages dpkg --get-selections | wc -l
Running processes echo $(( $(pstree -Ta | wc -l) - 3 ))
Boot duration systemd-analyze | mawk '{print $(NF-1)" "$NF;exit}'

DietPi vs Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit)

Bookworm on Raspberry Pi Zero W at 2024-05-23
Stat DietPi DietPi/Raspberry Pi OS [%] Raspberry Pi OS
RAM usage 32 MiB 36% 90 MiB
Running processes 9 43% 21
Disk usage 667 MiB 30% 2206 MiB
Pre-installed packages 223 36% 612
Boot duration 22.405s 49% 45.650s
Temporary files RAM disk (tmpfs) rootfs
Log files RAM disk (tmpfs) rootfs
SSH pre-installed Yes edit required
Download size 209 MiB 44% 474 MiB
Image size 896 MiB 37% 2424 MiB
Build date 2024-05-13 2024-03-15

DietPi vs Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit)

Bookworm on Raspberry Pi 5 at 2024-05-25
Stat DietPi DietPi/Raspberry Pi OS [%] Raspberry Pi OS
RAM usage 118 MiB 67% 177 MiB
Running processes 9 41% 22
Disk usage 882 MiB 40% 2197 MiB
Pre-installed packages 255 43% 596
Boot duration 6.220s 46% 13.497s
Temporary files RAM disk (tmpfs) rootfs
Log files RAM disk (tmpfs) rootfs
SSH pre-installed Yes edit required
Download size 178 MiB 43% 414 MiB
Image size 1024 MiB 39% 2640 MiB
Build date 2024-05-13 2024-03-15

I am pretty sure none of the Dexter/ModRobotics APIs will install on DietPi, but the statistic gathering commands are interesting examples of command line tools available.



It would be interesting to try to install them and see what’s missing and what the resultant size would be.

Does it include a desktop or it strictly text based?


No idea - When I understood it to be another “minimum distro” I knew enough that it is not easily compatible with any of my GoPiGo3 use cases.


Quite possibly.

Other “tiny” distros include a very lightweight desktop.  Puppy Linux, Damn Small Linux[1], and a few others I don’t remember all have desktops, but my money’s on it not being compatible with just about every graphical app out there.


  1. Damn Small Linux was originally designed to fit on a 1.44 meg floppy, but as the kernel and necessary utilities got larger it was re-branded as a “credit-card” sized distribution.  I haven’t seen it in a while, so I have no idea what it’s doing, or if it even still exists.