Login for Raspbian Gnu/Linux 9

i download the Raspbian forRobots, but i need Gopigo Login and password,
i tryed “pi” password " raspberry and robots1234 " not work.

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Ignore that screen - you cannot login there.

Three ways to log in -

  1. via remote ssh (Either Ethernet cable from router to RPi or WiFi )
    From another computer on the same network find the address of the RPi (arp -a ) e.g. 10.0.0.x
    then in a command shell on that other computer
   ssh pi@10.0.0.x
   pi@10.0.0.X's password: robots1234
  1. via WiFI and web browser:
    from another computer on the same network - find the address of the RPi (arp -a) e.g. 10.0.0.X
    then open your favorite web browser, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, …

  1. Connect Ethernet cable from your router to the RPI, via Web Browser:
    from another computer on the same network - find the address of the RPi (arp -a) e.g. 10.0.0.X
    then open your favorite web browser, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, …
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This looks like you download DexterOS and not Raspbian for Robots.


i download this OS

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