Microsoft.ApplicationInsights 2.0.0 appears to break exampkes

Attempting to get things working and I am getting:

Detected package version outside of dependency constraint: Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsApps 1.1.1 requires Microsoft.ApplicationInsights (= 1.2.3) but version Microsoft.ApplicationInsights 2.0.0 was resolved.

Which results in a ton of error messages.
error CS0234: The type or namespace name ‘ApplicationModel’ does not exist in the namespace ‘Windows’
The type or namespace name ‘Data’ does not exist in the namespace ‘Windows.UI.Xaml’

etc for many pages.

Is there a Microsoft.ApplicationInsights 2.0.0 compatible git soyrcce

Can you be a bit more specific? What robot do you have and why is it downloading Microsoft stuff?