Diverting the discussion from:
- 98% of the time, directly on Carl.
- On extremely rare occasions, I have created Readme documentation, spreadsheet analysis, or code stubs on my Mac, pushed it up to Git, then pulled it down to Carl.
What development tools do you use?
- None. Probably should but too lazy these days.
- Dev Process: (one 24" 4k monitor, one 24" ultrawide (21:9) HD monitor attached to Mac Mini)
- Open one browser tab to github/dexterind/easygopigo3.py, and one browser tab for googling stuff
- I start a big terminal window on my Mac
- ssh pi@x.x.x.x
- Create a new project directory under ~/Carl/Examples/, ~/Carl/Projects/, or ~Carl/systests/
- Copy ~/Carl/Examples/template/carl_template.py as ./new_file.py
- chmod +x new_file.py
- repeat:
- nano new_file.py to add functionality, with copious “if debug: print” or commentable prints
- ./new_file.py till no errors and see what happens
- If it is OpenCV code, I remote desktop to the vnc desktop (or open the browser noVNC desktop) and run the code from a command shell on Carl’s desktop, while editing in the shell on the Mac.
- viewing video output files is a pain - usually scp them to my Mac for viewing.
- When done with a utility module, like myDistSensor.py or juicer.py, I duplicate a debug=False copy to Carl’s operational library: ~/Carl/plib/
How do you handle Git integration?
When I am done for the day(ssh terminal - command line)
- git status
- git add x,y,z
- git commit
- git push, username,pw
I don’t use branches.
Periodically, I do a pull from Git to ~/dev/Carl/ directory on my Mac, especially if I need to do docs or spreadsheets. If I make mods: git add, commit, push up to Git, and pull down to Carl.