New li-ion charging tech may double battery life!

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and Humboldt University in Berlin.:

The current algorithm utilizes what we call constant current or CC. This essentially sends juice to the battery in a constant motion. The downside, though, is this causes cracks in the electrode structures, which eventually causes the battery to break down and hold less charge. Instead, the researchers suggest using a pulsed current, or PC. This results in a much thinner interface and far less structural wear to the battery, allowing it to hold its higher energy capacity for much longer.


If it proves to be true that’ll be huge in so many areas. As the owner of an EV, I hope a simple software fix will provide at least some of the benefits, even if the hardware isn’t purpose built with this approach in mind.


I suspect that this will require more than software depending on what the charging circuit looks like.

Though it would be interesting to know more about their suggested charging method.  Maybe the Talent Cell chargers can be modified to use that method?



They say the pulse frequency matters, but they fail to specify it. . .