New state machine python

Good morning ,
I am new and beginner in python.

I came across this code which uses “state machine”
: Found a Python State Machine Package - oh boy - #12 by cyclicalobsessive

which I found nice!

I would like to know how my state machine is integrated into “C”

to use it on the RPI4

what is the approach to follow when programming with python.
I learn quite quickly with well-explained examples.

thank you !

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@ludovic.lepinay There are plenty of state machine examples native coded in C. Suggest you keep up your research.


Good morning

sorry, I’m French and I translate with Google.

I explained myself badly!

I would like to code my state machine in python on a raspberry pi4

can you help me?
I am a beginner in python coding


@ludovic.lepinay With sadness, I must tell you no I cannot help you in your quest.


That’s not a problem. :wink:

Unfortunately, nobody can help you but you.  It is necessary for you to do some research, try coding on the Raspberry Pi, make mistakes, research the mistakes, try again, and repeat this until you are successful.  Especially since we have no idea what you want for your ultimate goal.

Are you trying to program this on a GoPiGo robot?


Malheureusement, personne d’autre que vous ne peut vous aider.  Il est nécessaire que vous fassiez des recherches, que vous essayiez de coder sur le Raspberry Pi, que vous fassiez des erreurs, que vous fassiez des recherches, que vous réessayiez et que vous répétiez jusqu’à ce que vous réussissiez.  D’autant plus que nous n’avons aucune idée de ce que vous voulez pour votre objectif ultime.

Essayez-vous de programmer cela sur un robot GoPiGo?

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