No Motor Response

I have been through all the tutorials and setup steps for getting our GoPiGo running and have hit a roadblock. No matter what I try, the thing won’t move. Running the Pi for Robots download and have done the firmware update without motors connected (twice). The Led blink script will blink the lights in the back, but all my movement commands are ignored. The i2c check reports “8” consistently, on the basic_test_all script I get f=1.3, v=9.5s or higher etc. Is there something I am missing, or maybe is the board bad?

Hey engineerchris,
Sorry for the troubles that you have been facing with the GoPiGo. We have not seen this kind of an issue before with the GoPiGo so it would be great if you could try a few things. First, can you check if the motors are working. An easy test for this would be to connect something between 6-9V to the motors and see if they move. If they do move, can you check the connections to the GoPiGo again and run basic_test_all program and give w,a,s and d commands to see if they react. It would also be great if you could post a few pictures of the GoPiGo along with the connections and a zoomed in picture of the GoPiGo board itself.
