Hi Karan
Thanks for the quick response (I’m not sure I received a notification email so apologies for my slow response). I’ve tried both the DHTDigitalSensor.js code and the AirQualityAnalogSensor.js from the DexterInd Github (https://github.com/DexterInd/GrovePi/blob/master/Software/NodeJS/libs/sensors/DHTDigitalSensor.js) in order to see whether it was just the script for the DHTDigitalSensor was the issue. Both however exhibit the same behaviour - the script runs and then stops / returns to the command line without providing any data (or error messages).
Here is the code for the DHTDigitalSensor for completeness:
var DigitalSensor = require(’./base/digitalSensor’)
var commands = require(’…/commands’)
function DHTDigitalSensor(pin, moduleType, scale) {
DigitalSensor.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))
this.moduleType = moduleType
this.scale = scale
function convertCtoF(temp) {
return temp * 9 / 5 + 32
function convertFtoC(temp) {
return (temp - 32) * 5 / 9
function getHeatIndex(temp, hum, scale) {
// http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex_equation.shtml
var needsConversion = typeof scale == ‘undefined’ || scale == DHTDigitalSensor.CELSIUS
temp = needsConversion ? convertCtoF(temp) : temp
var hi = -42.379 +
2.04901523 * temp +
10.14333127 * hum +
-0.22475541 * temp * hum +
-0.00683783 * Math.pow(temp, 2) +
-0.05481717 * Math.pow(hum, 2) +
0.00122874 * Math.pow(temp, 2) * hum +
0.00085282 * temp * Math.pow(hum, 2) +
-0.00000199 * Math.pow(temp, 2) * Math.pow(hum, 2)
return needsConversion ? convertFtoC(hi) : hi
DHTDigitalSensor.prototype = new DigitalSensor()
DHTDigitalSensor.VERSION = {
‘DHT11’ : 0
, ‘DHT22’ : 1
, ‘DHT21’ : 2
, ‘AM2301’: 3
DHTDigitalSensor.CELSIUS = 'c’
DHTDigitalSensor.FAHRENHEIT = ‘f’
DHTDigitalSensor.prototype.read = function() {
var write = this.board.writeBytes(commands.dht_temp.concat([this.pin, this.moduleType, commands.unused]))
if (write) {
var bytes = this.board.readBytes(9)
if (bytes instanceof Buffer) {
var hex
var tempBytes = bytes.slice(1, 5).reverse()
var humBytes = bytes.slice(5, 9).reverse()
hex = '0x' + tempBytes.toString('hex')
var temp = (hex & 0x7fffff | 0x800000) * 1.0 / Math.pow(2, 23) * Math.pow(2, ((hex >> 23 & 0xff) - 127))
temp = +(Number(parseFloat(temp - 0.5).toFixed(2)))
if (this.scale == DHTDigitalSensor.FAHRENHEIT) {
temp = convertCtoF(temp)
hex = '0x' + humBytes.toString('hex')
var hum = (hex & 0x7fffff | 0x800000) * 1.0 / Math.pow(2, 23) * Math.pow(2, ((hex >> 23 & 0xff) - 127))
hum = +(Number(parseFloat(hum - 2).toFixed(2)))
var heatIndex = +(Number(parseFloat(getHeatIndex(temp, hum, this.scale)).toFixed(2)))
// From: https://github.com/adafruit/DHT-sensor-library/blob/master/DHT.cpp
return [temp, hum, heatIndex]
} else
return false
} else {
return false
module.exports = DHTDigitalSensor