The Pi is not reachable with noVNC from outside of the network

very interesting tutorial.
I have some problems about the paragraph “Accessing The Pi Desktop Using noVNC Remotely”. In detail i’m not able to access to my raspy from the browser. Have I to use noVNC? How? Could you explain better how to configure the noVNC parameters?


Please give us some time to test it and then we’ll reach you back.

Thank you!, can you be more specific about what you tried? What operating system are you using? Raspbian for Robots (did you download it from our site?)?

Are you using NGROK? Have you been able to use ngrok successfully from the command line?

Ho John,
i followed the tutorial:

I did all the steps described but I’m not able to do execute the step:
“Accessing The Pi Desktop Using noVNC Remotely”.
I executed the command on my Pi:
“./ngrok tcp 8001”
and I visualized correctly a window similar to the following

The problem occurs now: I don’t understand what I have to do in order to
access to my PI from the browser in any computer.
Could you explain me how to use noVNC and how I have to type the parameters
(in noVNC window) in order to access to my raspberry from the browser in my
win desktop pc?

I’m using raspbian downloaded here:

Thanks a lot




Everything can be found in the tutorial.

In order to access your Raspberry Pi board with ngrok you need to do the following things.

For SSH Connections

Download Putty which is an SSH and telnet client. Download and install it from here.

After you download it, open it and type into the Specify the destination you want to connect to -> Host Name (or IP address) your ngrok address, which in your case is Then add in the Port text-box the port you have: in your case it’s 15786.

Click Open and then enter the usual credentials for your Raspberry Pi.

For VNC Connections

Copy paste the red-encircled text of yours and put it in the browser and then hit enter.
It’s like in the following screenshot:

And then enter the robots1234 password and that’s all.

Thank you!

The ngrok URL in the tutorial no longer works

DO you mean this one?