I ran into some filesystem issues after unattended power-off-on done several times and fsck was forced (unable to boot). The fsck probably fixed the issues because the GrovePi was workin afterwards.
To be on “safe side” I did update/upgrade process where after I lost connection to GrovePI.
My actual version is 4.1.13+ #826. I tried to update the GrovePI part (SW packages) as described via firmware update but the firmware update failed of course.
What is the fastest way out? New Raspbian installation? What is supported version? Jessie or Wheezy? Or is it better to use Dexter-flavor?
Any clue what to check / change? I read some articles describing other Atmega related issues after OS/packages upgrade and some forgotten files not overwritten…
Karan has a better idea about how all this works with Jessie. I think it should be possible, we’ve seen people report that it works,but we haven’t migrated Raspbian for Robots to Jessie yet.
Hello, many thanks for help - the guide solved the firmware update and afterwards it works /but my original python scripts does not, but the provided samples do work so I will troubleshoot my original ones/.
Is there any way to get GrovePi+ with specific sensors (AirQuality, HCHO, Dust, DHT Pro…) from one source? That was also my original intention buying the pack from Aliexpress / Seeed shop.