Problems with

When I run the python script, my robot doesn’t works strange.

When the ‘W’ letter is executed, the robot doesn’t goes forward and the motors, one of them goes forward and the other goes backward.

Whit the other commands in the python script is the same, doesn’t works well and I don’t know why.

Anybody can help me, please


hi doda,

did you connect the motors correctly?
or are the wires of one of the motors swapped?



Fandarel is correct: you probably need to reverse one of the pairs of wires on your GoPiGo. If you switch two that are side by side, it will reverse the direction the motor moves.




Thanks for de answer.

Yes, my connection is like in the image, I tried to change the position of the wires (and also I tried to change de pattern of the wires too) but the problem still exist and the robot works strange.

I don’t know whats the problem.

Can you attach a picture of your wires and how they’re setup?

Of course, no problem.

In the picture the motors ara changed but now the position of the motors are the same as in the picture of the web, but the wires follow the same pattern.

Doda, take the two wires shown here in red, and reverse them. This should reverse the direction of the motor.