While the GoPiGo3 API is open-source, available for us to understand to the level of our curiosity, the code that runs inside the “red board” has always required us to use black box testing for any insight.
The Raspberry Pi uses the GoPiGo3 API to send commands across an SPI bus to the red board, and interpret any returned result data. The GET_MOTOR_STATUS_LEFT, and GET_MOTOR_STATUS_RIGHT commands via the gopigo3.get_motor_status() API return:
Returns a list:
flags -- 8-bits of bit-flags that indicate motor status:
bit 0 -- LOW_VOLTAGE_FLOAT - The motors are automatically disabled because the battery voltage is too low
bit 1 -- OVERLOADED - The motors aren't close to the target (applies to position control and dps speed control).
power -- the raw PWM power in percent (-100 to 100)
encoder -- The encoder position
dps -- The current speed in Degrees Per Second
So imagine my surprise when using the gopigo3.reset_motor_encoder() API (which sends an OFFSET_MOTOR_ENCODER SPI command) to see get_motor_status() return non-zero robot speeds, and in fact speeds far exceeding possible GoPiGo3 robot motion.
This is the result when resetting the encoders without moving the robot:
*** started moving
[INFO] [1715963280.121958244] [odometer]: start heading -0.0329 rads
[INFO] [1715963280.122452707] [odometer]: last heading -0.0329 rads
[INFO] [1715963280.123078985] [odometer]: current heading -0.0329 rads
[INFO] [1715963280.123697318] [odometer]: last_point - x: -0.1734 y: 0.0196 z: 0.0000 heading: -1.9
[INFO] [1715963280.124226837] [odometer]: current_point - x: -0.1734 y: 0.0196 z: 0.0000 heading: -1.9
[INFO] [1715963280.124845392] [odometer]: lSpeed,rSpeed: (2823.000,2880.000 lEncoder,rEncoder: (0.0,0.0) lPwr,rPwr: (-128,-128)
[INFO] [1715963280.125430411] [odometer]: start_point - x: -0.173 y: 0.020 z: 0.000 heading: -2
[INFO] [1715963280.218462322] [odometer]:
*** stopped moving
[INFO] [1715963280.218914730] [odometer]: start heading -0.0329 rads
[INFO] [1715963280.219304433] [odometer]: last heading 0.0000 rads
[INFO] [1715963280.219889507] [odometer]: current heading 0.0000 rads
[INFO] [1715963280.220388767] [odometer]: start_point - x: -0.1734 y: 0.0196 z: 0.0000 heading: -1.9
[INFO] [1715963280.220965137] [odometer]: lSpeed,rSpeed: (0.000,0.000 lEncoder,rEncoder: (0.0,0.0) lPwr,rPwr: (-128,-128)
[INFO] [1715963280.221521544] [odometer]: stop_point - x: 0.000 y: 0.000 z: 0.000 heading: 0 - moved: 0.175 meters in 0.1s
Dave has a maximum measured velocity of 450 DPI which is 0.25 meters per second. There is absolutely no way any GoPiGo3 robot could move at 1.6 m/s. I have seen reported speeds over 5000 DPI returned when resetting the encoders.
The difficulty for Dave comes in trying to correctly identify when Dave is moving. I thought I could use motor_status.dps but the GoPiGo3 redboard is reporting fictional motion when resetting the encoders - bummer.
Tested Carl - reported 0 to 20 MPH in 0.02 seconds! That would beat my new Prius.