(Board wouldn’t let me post more than 3 in row - so continued here…)
“ROS 2 Life in Docker” advances continue:
Figured out how to clean up after rebuilding (reclaim 3.5GB docker keeps after told to delete)
Figured out how to create and be user pi group pi in docker ROS
Ran slam-toolbox async mapping on Pi5 using topics from HumbleDave
(doesn’t take much load off Dave, but all this is needed if the Pi5 will ever get mated to a GoPiGo3 bot.)
async_slam uses 1% of 1 cpu 500MB +0.4W (base is 2.6W)
I’m to the point where I can declare my ROS 2 on Pi5 proof-of-concept “distraction” successful.
Time for me to re-focus on mapping/localization/navigation all on HumbleDave.