Raspberry Pi 5! (continued) ROS 2 Humble in Docker on PiOS Bookworm

(Board wouldn’t let me post more than 3 in row - so continued here…)

“ROS 2 Life in Docker” advances continue:

  • Figured out how to clean up after rebuilding (reclaim 3.5GB docker keeps after told to delete)
  • Figured out how to create and be user pi group pi in docker ROS
  • Ran slam-toolbox async mapping on Pi5 using topics from HumbleDave
    (doesn’t take much load off Dave, but all this is needed if the Pi5 will ever get mated to a GoPiGo3 bot.)
  • async_slam uses 1% of 1 cpu 500MB +0.4W (base is 2.6W)

I’m to the point where I can declare my ROS 2 on Pi5 proof-of-concept “distraction” successful.

Time for me to re-focus on mapping/localization/navigation all on HumbleDave.


Next steps:
Tell us how you did it!
(Especially how to clean up Docker!)

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All scripted, tested, and documented:


Digikey had 2600+ Pi5 in stock this morning!