Hello everyone!
I am working on a project and want to understand if its doable or my direction is not correct.
I am just getting started with Raspberry Pi. I have the B+ model. This will be my first code.
I have written a communication sketch for Arduion Megas using SimpleModbus Library. So basically you can tie like 32 megas as slave and make one master and then create a communication mechanism between the boards using RS-485 driver.
I want to use Raspberry Pi as the master. I was thinking of somehow connecting Arduino Mega with my Raspberry Pi and then accessing the data by setting up a webserver on Raspberry Pi. While researching how to do this, i came across Arduberry. It quickly felt like its something i am trying to do already. So i have few questions regarding this. Please kindly answer them:
Is it possible to program the Arduberry other than Raspberry Pi GUI? I feel raspberry is a great product but its kinda slow for coding. Can i somehow upload my sketch using USB or ICSP interface?
I am not sure how the data between the webserver and the Arduino will be shared. I want to be able to access the Arduino data over the internet somehow
I am a fairy good coder in PHP language (which is used for webprogramming). Can i create a bare minimum sketch in Arduino or Raspberry Pi that enables most of the code logic in PHP?
Thanks in advance