Re-create the "Dexter" USB drive?


While rummaging through my stuff preparing a development environment for Charlie, I cam across the small silver “Dexter” USB drive that I received with my GoPiGo kit and the DexterO/S SD card.

I know I can download the DexterO/S image for a replacement SD card, but is it possible to re-create the USB drive? Is there an image or file-set somewhere?

Is the Dexter USB drive being maintained and updated too?  I noticed that some of the included documentation on my USB drive is, (just a teeny-tiny bit), dusty.

Just curious. . .


There is nothing on the USB drive. It’s just a place to save your code, your photos, and a tool to update DexterOS to the newest version.
it’s also just a regular USB drive.

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So, the drive is shipped empty?

Yup. It’s just a courtesy usb-drive as it’s hard to have one small enough to fit the GoPiGo behind the servo package. So we make it easy.

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