Is it possible to compile and run python without having the board connected? I have students that have Pies and
we want to keep the robots at the school. Has anyone done that?
Is it possible to compile and run python without having the board connected? I have students that have Pies and
we want to keep the robots at the school. Has anyone done that?
Hey @darrin.patek! Can you explain a little more about what you’re hoping to do?
You can write programs in python, and even try to run the programs, without the robot attached. Does that make sense?
Also a little confusing about “compile” python; it’s a non-compiled programming language. Are you talking about something else possibly?
Yes that makes sense.
I do a lot of work with C and C++ so I misspoke, Python is an interpreted
not compiled.
No problem at all, we’re all learning here! I hope I answered your question, please let me know if I didn’t!
This is an old thread now, but for those just coming along - the answer is yes, most definitely.
The way I did it was:
git clone
then copy …/GoPiGo/Software/Python/ and
to your development directory, for example: …/Robots/mybot/
Strip everything but the def xyz( abc): function calls and add some relevant print and returns.
change the from gopigo import * in the (or your program) to “from gopigosim import all”
and run your programs: (python to test your )
A fun program to try your sim with is
which will “drive” your sim bot till your simulated us_dist(pin)
returns an reading less than 20, and then will “scan” your simulated servo
from 0 degrees to 180 degrees, taking us_dist() readings,
and then will print a map in your term window.
You can see,use my at
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Happy simulating!