Running and testing code without the robot portion of the GoPiGo

Is it possible to compile and run python without having the board connected? I have students that have Pies and
we want to keep the robots at the school. Has anyone done that?


Hey @darrin.patek! Can you explain a little more about what you’re hoping to do?

You can write programs in python, and even try to run the programs, without the robot attached. Does that make sense?

Also a little confusing about “compile” python; it’s a non-compiled programming language. Are you talking about something else possibly?


Yes that makes sense.

I do a lot of work with C and C++ so I misspoke, Python is an interpreted
not compiled.


No problem at all, we’re all learning here! I hope I answered your question, please let me know if I didn’t!

This is an old thread now, but for those just coming along - the answer is yes, most definitely.

The way I did it was:

git clone

then copy …/GoPiGo/Software/Python/ and
to your development directory, for example: …/Robots/mybot/

Strip everything but the def xyz( abc): function calls and add some relevant print and returns.

change the from gopigo import * in the (or your program) to “from gopigosim import all”

and run your programs: (python to test your )

A fun program to try your sim with is
which will “drive” your sim bot till your simulated us_dist(pin)
returns an reading less than 20, and then will “scan” your simulated servo
from 0 degrees to 180 degrees, taking us_dist() readings,
and then will print a map in your term window.

You can see,use my at


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Happy simulating!

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