"Scratch for Robots" based on Scratch 2.0

Hi there

is there any intention to bring out “Scratch for Robots” based on Scratch 2.0 or even 3.0?
Problem is, we are working on a pilot project with 3rd to 6th grade pupils. They’ve created racecar game controled by cursor keys with scratch.mit.edu-version. Now the kids want to pimp up this game by controlling it by rotary (wheel) and ultrasonic (accelerator) over GrovePi. Import files with extension *.sb2 to “Scratch for Robots” leading in a error.
Do you have any ideas for solve this or do a work around?

Best regards,


Hello @m.albisser
We already have support for Scratch 2 and GrovePi although we never did officially switch to it, as it is quite slow on the Pi.
If you go to /home/pi/dexter/GrovePi/Software/Scratch/ you will find a script called launch_scratch2.sh.

you can launch that script by typing bash launch_scratch2.sh in a terminal window (when in the above folder).

Hope this helps.

PS. As for Scratch3, we’re still looking into it. No decision made for now.