I have a raspberry pi 4 with a camera that works and I am using the GoPiGo OS. I just pulled the github today and am trying to run the Browser_Streaming_Robot using the sudo ./robot_web_server.py command but I am getting an error in finding the error.
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It looks like it is trying to find a /www/index.html file but I am not sure where that file should be as it wasn’t in the readme of the project.
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As i was looking more at it I think I see the error. The file path is incorrect for me. Because I’m using the GopiGo os it has changed and now I just need to find where the filepath is being called or stored so I can change it.
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I got it. I first went to the folder i jupyter and then created a new juypter notebook in the file location. I then ran pwd in a code block. After that I took the file location I was given and put it in line 71 of the robot_web_server.py.
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Great find! Glad to hear you’ve fixed it.
I’m sure that you’re not the only one this will help - thanks for sharing!