[SOLVED] Can't detect GrovePi on Raspberry Pi 4

Alright I’ll look into it thanks!


Or not … If it ain’t broke don’t break it!


Skynet - one node at a time here we come. I’m just not ready to see my car driving without me, or my coffee pot talking back when I curse at it in the morning.

But my new iPad Mini to read ebooks - now that I’m making sure to charge up every day.

Here’s the “Things” of my IoT:


Firmware is one of the foundational parts of the Raspberry Pi in general and the Raspberry Pi-4 in particular.  Especially with the Pi-4, out-of-date firmware is one of the major “problems” that pops up causing untold grief.

Though you may not want the latest-and-greatest “bleeding edge” beta-channel firmware, you should (at the very least), be at the latest version of the “stable” firmware.

They just changed all the names for the release channels around and I don’t remember which is which - but you want the release channel just below “beta” for your Pi-4.

If you, (not specifically @cyclicalobsessive “you”, but everyone in general “you”), are going to be using a Raspberry Pi-4 for anything, you will want to become familiar with the role the firmware plays on the Pi-4, as well as how to verify the firmware’s version and how to set the various boot parameters.

Both outdated firmware and incorrectly set boot parameters are among the main reasons people post on the Raspberry Pi forums.

A typical exchange usually goes something like this:

Fortunately, not everyone who posts is that clueless. :wink:


What school is that?

It’s nice to see a school that is actually willing to spend money on the students and the curriculum for a change!!


A Dutch collage called Zuyd Hogeschool in Heerlen. The ICT-academie is really interested in Smart City concepts for IoT and right now I’m doing a student internship in their data intelligence department (This link is fully Dutch but it contains their projects). Here’s a link for their site if you’re interested although the school is mainly for Dutch people so finding more information in English might be hard. Right now they want to make LoRa work as communication means for micro controllers and micro processors because its very long range and efficiency, which means they can put it in things like thrash cans to measure fullness or use it for checking how many people there are in a certain area. With that information they can adapt the city to fit its needs.


Now that you have a working setup, could you rerun the troubleshooter and post the new log.txt?

That will be helpful to compare with your first log and also with others’ that come looking for help.

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So you’re on the same side of “the pond” a I am.  :wink:

. . . . and that’s why Google Chrome has translation features.  I do this with Russian sites all the time.  (I’m stuck in Moscow Russia “for the duration” until the pandemic calms down a bit.  I came to visit the granddaughters for the Christmas/New Year’s holidays and ended up getting stuck here.)

On my cell phone, I have gone so far as to make Chrome my “default” browser, (yuk!), because a lot of the stuff I get while I’m here is in Russian.

I just wish elementary and secondary, (pre college/University), schools would emphasize this stuff more.


A project after my own heart!

However, the research I want to see is "How do we ensure that companies who collect all this data follow the rules?  And how do we hammer them into the ground, fine them insane amounts of money, and cause huge amounts of trouble when they ignore law and custom and do whatever they darn well please?
:laughing:  :wink:

More important, and (IMHO), more to the point, should be “how to establish the IoT infrastructure without compromising data and device security?”

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Will do just give it a few minutes.

Troubleshooter gets stuck at getting firmware version as for the rest here it is:
log.txt (2.6 KB)

P.S. Seems like i reached my max replies since I’m a new user


That’s a pity.


Since this is a Discord powered forum, there is the “discobot” feature that you invoke by referencing the “Discobot” user - @discobot

The “discobot” conducts the new-user orientation and you earn a badge, (“Certified”), when you complete it.

Pinging discobot’s help brought me this:

So, if you send a private message to the discobot user containing @discobot start tutorial it will reply with a private message that will become a thread where it will ask you to do inane things like “liking” messages and such.

I don’t remember if it is true for the Dexter/MR forums or not, but a number of discord forums automatically give you some extra “umph” in your privileges, (and a badge), if you take the time to run it.

Let me re-phrase that:
Dexter’s forums give you the “badge”, but I don’t know if that comes with an implicit increase in your user-level or trustworthiness or what.  Some forums explicitly elevate you to “member”, up from “uncircumcised heathen” after you take the new user tutorial - others silently lift certain restrictions placed on new users.

Try it and see what happens.

Update for all the badge-mavens out there:

If you send a PM to discobot that contains @discobot start advanced tutorial

. . . you get another tutorial that discusses some of the finer points of editing and posting which results in another certificate

and a new badge - “Licensed”

And it appears that, so far, I am the only “Licensed” :wink: representative around here!

Um. . . I also notice I didn’t do the new-user thingie. . . Off we go!!

Strange. . . I almost always do the “new user” intro on all the forums I visit.

Did this one automagically not offer it?  Some forums severely limit what you can do without it.

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Yeah i missed the dm from the bot thanks!

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hee, i am new in this, and have the same problem, how do i use your solution?
kind regardes Richard

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