I want to change the hostname on my GoPiGo3 with DexterOS so that I can connect with wifi in an environment with other robots. The solution is apparently to change the hostname but I am rather confused about the “howto” instructions.
The instructions seem to be aimed at robots with CINCH or Raspbian for Robots but do they apply at all to DexterOS?
I have recently updated the DexterOS so I should have the latest. I have mounted the micro SD card on my laptop and I do not see any file named hostnames.
I have another microSD card so I could install CINCH if that would be useful.
Now I am seeking some basic clarification.
You can change the name on DexterOS too.
Boot up and connect to the robot.
Go to the mygopigo.com webpage (or
Select any of the boxes on the index page. I always go to Bloxter but the option is available for all.
Once you’re in, under File, you will find ‘Rename Robot’.
Fill in the new name. You will be asked to reboot the robot.
I hope this helps
Yes that did the trick, thank you. I see Rename Robot on Bloxter but not on Python.
Oh, right. When we switched to JupyterLab, it got removed. I’ll file this as a bug. Thanks for reporting it!
I see the File Drive Learn Code buttons at the top of the window if I enter Jupyter from “Code in Python” but not if I enter from Learn >_ Lessons in Python. The File button when it is present has the Rename Robot item.
BTW, entering Jupyter with Learn >_ Lessons in Python is how you get into that hidden folder which causes a 403 error when you try to create a new file or notebook. You cannot otherwise navigate there but Jupyter does save the applications state so a newbie like me would not be aware. Now that I have had time to familiarize myself with the landscape I can see how the file browser works and how Jupyter behaves.
Hello @kl1
Did someone tell you today how awesome you are? Cause I am telling you now. Wow, I don’t know why we didn’t remember about the two different pathways to our python implementation.
Indeed, as you figured out, Learn > Python leads you to a couple of lessons which are in a protected folder. We will take a closer look and see what we can change in that area.
Thank you again.
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