[SOLVED] GPIO of Brickpi 3

Hi there,

Me and my son are doing a project that using Raspberry Pi 3 mode b+ GPIO to control led.
Now our RP3 hooked with Brickpi 3 board(we bought it few month ago, which should be the latest version). And i know Brickpi 3 use some of RP GPIOs for motor/sensor control. We just need to find out which gpio Brickpi 3 not using so we can take them over. I searched around in your forum and fund some schematic, but it seems quite out of date and only present few of them which used by motor control.
Can you please give us more info about this so we can move on?
Thank you very much,


Actually my question is: RP 3 has 40 GPIO pins and Brickpi has 26 GPIO pins on the board. How these 26 pins map to RP3 40 pins?

Would this be useful to you? https://github.com/DexterInd/BrickPi3/blob/master/Hardware/BrickPi%203.2.1.pdf

The schematic linked to by liam is the most recent.

The 26 pins map directly to pins 1-26 of the 40 pin header. The BrickPi3 doesn’t connect to or use pins 27-40. You can refer to the schematic for a list of pins used by the BrickPi3 (some of the pins in 1-26 are not used).


Thank you all for the reply.

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