When typing into ‘inicom ama0’ in the command line, I received the following error:
minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyAMA0: No such file or directory
My setup is that the Raspberry pi connects to the ArduBerry then to the Arduino basesheild. Meanwhile, the Raspberry pi is also connected to the GopiGo.
I didn’t have this problem yesterday, and I don’t know why I am running into this issue now. Do you know how to solve it?
I have tried to run the command you suggested above, but there was no response (see attachment). I went into the /dev directory, and I could not find the ttyAMA0.
Do you know what I should do next?
I unplugged everything and re-plugged the arduberry and the base shield. Now I run ‘sudo minicom AMA0’ and it minicom finally opened. However, now I have a new problem that there is no reading in the minicom… I uploaded UltrasonicDisplayOnTerm successfully, however when I open minicom, there is no reading…
I am still stuck here…Minicom now opens but it is on /dev/tty8 port. When I tried to change the port in configuration serial port setup to dev/ttyAMA0, I still get the error ‘minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyAMA0: No such file or directory’.