I have a problem with streaming video. I have the camera, the camera module, etc… Everything is working well when i’m doing it on Python, Thommy, etc… (I’m on Raspbian for robots btw). The thing is, when I wanted to stream following the DexterIndustries method, it doesn’t work. Here is the link with the instructions : https://www.dexterindustries.com/GoPiGo/projects/python-examples-for-the-raspberry-pi/browser-video-streaming-robot-gopigo3/
When I put “sudo bash install.sh”, it marks “command not found”. I wanted to clone the git hub folders and files thing but it marked “already exists…”.
Please help
PS : the camera.start_preview() is working for the moment but only with a monitor directly connected (and I want to do a video streamer robot to see on my computer what the robot sees while moving it).
I hope someone will hear me