[SOLVED] Unable to use sftp

I’m trying to use Filezilla to transfer some files between my laptop and my raspberry pi (under Raspbian for Robots). It seems to timeout everytime:

Status: Verbinden met dex.local…
Antwoord: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8
Opdracht: open “pi@dex.local” 22
Opdracht: Pass: **********
Fout: Verbinding verlopen na 20 seconden inactiviteit
Fout: Kan niet verbinden met server

I’ve tried to use Putty and than I can login but after that everything is dead (no cursor)

Also tried it with Notepad++ and there it took a very long time to connect and show me the home folder.

Any suggestions?

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Sorry, my stupid fault. The pi was connected to an extra router and my laptop to the modem.


Oh I’ve been bit by that issue many times… Glad you figured it out!