I have successfully enable the Video streaming using the camera and it start automatically on boot.
I can launch it using my browser and the port 5000. All is ok
However, i’d like to stop it manually and gently when i want to use the camera to take picture on another project. Can you help finding the manual command
The command : raspistill -o Desktop/image.jpg return Error : ENOSPC . The Camera Module is probably running out of GPU memory. Checkvand i think it’s due to the video streaming.
That’s perfect, sudo systemctl stop camerarobot.service is the command i did want.
My other project can move forward
Thanks again, appreciate your quick answer
Are you sure? Did the remote camera robot still autostart on reboot? I couldn’t tell if you would need the --runtime option so that it only stops it for the current session, but leaves it enabled to run after the next reboot.
Sorry, i spoke too quickly
You’re right, it didn’t start at the next boot automatically.
I have to manually to do a sudo systemctl start camerarobot.service
But i can leave without for me i’m good. But i’m interested by the option to keep the autoboot and manually stop it on demand.
I confirmed that sudo systemctl start camerarobot.service start within the session and keep started automatically after each boot.
I confirmed also that sudo systemctl --runtime stop camerarobot.service is stopping it for the running session and keep the automatic boot