Hi there,
Is there support for the chainable RGB LED.
Not yet, but I am working on it.
DO you now when this support will be released?
I’m still working on it…
The main problem is there are too many variables (bytes) to send in a single command.
I’ve come up with a solution where you issue the 1st command to simply set a colour, storing it’s value in ram.
Then issue a 2nd command to set the previously stored colour on a led at a given offset.
The same a) set colour, b) do something pattern can be applied to other sensors, so I’m making sure it’s done right.
I have it working on a chain of 10 RGB LEDs. Just needs testing and polish.
I expect to be finished with it in a few days, then it will take a little while for Karan to review, merge and increment the version.
Ok so I really want to be able to connect the Grove RGB LED Strip to the GrovePi and I have yet to find success.
I have been looking through this forum. This library seems to want a Pin, when I just want to use a Port (probably D2-D8) Does it need PWM?
and I tried this code with little success maybe because it requires the RGB LED Driver?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.