Support for LED Bar

Hi there,
Is there support for the Grove LED Bar?

Not yet, but I am working on it.

I also refactored the Arduino Grove LED Bar library, which I’ll add to my custom firmware.

Once it’s tested and working, I’ll make a PR to merge it back into the main GrovePi repo.

Getting ready for a v1.2 release:

Which adds support for:

Grove LED Bar

Grove 4 Digit Display

I’m missing the hex-file to update the firmware.
Where is it located?

The hex-file under

seems to be version 1.1.

How can I update the firmware to vers. 1.2?

Hi AxelF,

It hasn’t been approved yet.

Once Karan reviews it and approves, he’ll compile the final .hex file and add it to the repo and increment the version number.

Thanks for the quick response.
I’ll check the repo regarding a new .hex-file.

Please check the Github Repository for the updated firmware and the source code.
