Thank you Dexter Industries for open sourcing the GoPiGo software. I am so happy to have found a common platform to build robots upon, and to be able to leverage your community to learn.
My bot is 17 years old, but is moving and thinking like a youngster GoPiGo. A robot lifetime ago (20 years) the smart folks at MIT needed a common robot to teach robotics to their students. Joe Jones, Anita Flynn, and Bruce Seigler created the Rug Warrior and then Rug Warrior Pro robot based on a 68HC11 processor. The kit ($600) was offered outside of the university by Klaus Peters, and many people enjoyed building, programming and competing with these bots. Eventually, 32K bytes and 2MHz proved too limiting and the community fled the scene.
Two years ago, hearing about the Raspberry Pi, I decided to give my Rug Warrior Pro robot a brain transplant. Unfortunately, that meant starting from scratch and doing nearly everything myself.
Last week, I decided to create a Rug Warrior (w/ William Hennings’ Pi Droid Alpha) version of the interface layer named I created a rudimentary simulation and simulation so that I could exercise my layer easily. I just finished testing my layer with the GoPiGo sample program with only one change (from goRWpigo import *) , and my heart is so happy I am going to explode. (Don’t tell my wife - I’m 64 and she worries about such things!)
I have lots of ideas for projects after I finish my interface layer fully, so I will be able to give back eventually. For the time being - I can only offer a thank you.
A big THANK YOU to you all,