hi there,
could you plz tell me the sample time of Accel and Gyro sensors in dIMU.
device is BrickPi+.
language is c.
thank you~
How quicly you can sample them? Is that the question?
oh yes. sorry, the question looks weird…
i just wanna know the sample rate…
another question is
i cannot find the user guide of dIMU,
perhaps you can give me one for c language?
it is so hard to use dIMU in BrickPi+ because i have only the example code.
Disclaimer: I do not work for DI and do not own this sensor.
(This thread was started based on the prior dIMU product, which has been replaced by the current BNO055 based product.)
The following is from a BNO055 datasheet generally available on the Internet. This is the device on which the current DI IMU software on Github references:
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