Three Years After Carl, Dave Finally Sees ArUco Marker On His Dock

Three years after Carl first saw the ArUco maker on his dock, ROSbot Dave finally saw the marker behind his dock:

I got it working with a custom launch file - bringing the Luxonis ROS2 Oak-D-W camera driver talking to the ROS 2 ArUco_OpenCV package:


    sec: 1734286796
    nanosec: 425563519
  frame_id: oak_rgb_camera_optical_frame
- marker_id: 5
      x: 0.05173255350509175
      y: -0.029103121047933316
      z: 0.5412244950190088
      x: 0.9975646146976297
      y: 0.026159965251779892
      z: -0.054218249093173264
      w: 0.035226086732218505
boards: []


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See?  There’s life left in them old bones yet!

Glad to see Dave’s up from his earlier funk. :wink:

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We will see. The only part the GoPiGo3 had in this was to power the camera (battery direct to Pololu buck) and provide 8W to the Raspberry Pi 5 processor.

If the GoPiGo3 can be made to navigate with centimeter and 1-2 degree heading precision under ROS control, Dave will be able to belly up to the juice bar and live another 5 hours at a time. That test phase (and significant development work) is a few months off though.

Right now Dave and I are really high on demonstration of this new capability.

(That Dave is where Carl was three years ago … not sure why I am so impressed.)

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Sounds like real progress. I saw your other post about AprilTags. Which one do you think you’ll settle on?


ArUco vs AprilTag: That needs to be resolved:

  • ArUco seems easier for me to use. The ROS community seems to prefer AprilTags

  • The ArUco ROS code returned a pose in the detection topic, while the AprilTag code returned a position in the image frame in the detection topic and supposedly published a /tf for the marker.

  • I’m not sure how to echo only a specific transform, so I cannot compare the two markers for pose accuracy

  • FIRST robotics uses standard 36h11 AprilTags reportedly because they provide more stable pose estimations

  • The Nav2 “Docking Feature” video shows a robot using AprilTags, but when I asked if I could use ArUco markers Steve Macenski (the god of Nav2), he said Nav2 is not dependant on any marker type.

  • I also have to figure out how to use the mfg provided camera calibration or generate my own. I remember doing that for Carl’s PiCam, way back when.

  • (The apriltag ros package is from Christian Rauch’s GitHub. @christian Rauch also published the first ROS for GoPiGo3 package ros-gopigo in 2016.)