Trouble Connecting to MyGoPiGo

Hi all! I am currently taking a robotics class and have been given the GoPiGo3 that uses Bloxer. I have a teammate who is able to find our robot’s wifi and connect to it. It will then open mygopigo and we have been able to complete our work via his computer.

I am now trying to figure out why neither my laptop or desktop will connect to the robot. The wifi opens, but when I try to access mygopigo I’m informed that I have no wifi. Since it is working for my peers I can only assume that it is my laptop which is a Windows 10 system - the same as my teammate.

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How are you connecting to the GoPiGo?

Just to be sure, here are the official instructions describing how to connect to the robot.

If the “” you can try typing in the robot’s IP address.

Also, I do not know if you can connect two computers to the same robot at the same time.

Let us know what happens!

Hi! I have been using the link you provided and I have also tried the robots IP.
And we are not trying to connect two computers at the same time.

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Have you actually gone into the network/wireless settings and physically connected to the GoPiGo’s access point?

What happens when you run “ipconfig” in an administrative terminal window?

Can you ping the GoPiGo’s IP address?