When I wanted to investigate ROS2, I had to create an Ubuntu 64-bit OS that would support the GoPiGo3. At that time it was not possible to just run the two curl scripts to install the GoPiGo3 and EasySensors software to the 64-bit environment.
I strongly recommend all GoPiGo3 users either choose:
Indeed “no cigars” for GoPiGo3 install over 64-Bit PiOS.
Lots of “not available” and “No module named ___” errors during the install,
and running the Read_Info example indicates the Dexter egg files did not get installed:
**pi@64BitPiOS**:**~/Dexter/GoPiGo3/Software/Python/Examples $** ./Read_Info.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/Dexter/GoPiGo3/Software/Python/Examples/./Read_Info.py", line 17, in <module>
import gopigo3 # import the GoPiGo3 drivers
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gopigo3'
I tried updating a Buster 64 bit release candidate awhile back and got the same thing. Webkit is especially conspicuous by it’s absence.
You might be able to get around some of those difficulties by, (for example) installing the “python-3” package instead of the “python” package, and/or compiling NodeJS and Webkit direct from source if they don’t have their own installation binary for the ARM processor family.
Part of the bitch part is that ARM-64 doesn’t have that great a footprint yet - kinda’ like the support for ARM-32 when the original Pi’s came out - the RPi people had to compile everything themselves to get at least a half-donkey’d version of something running.
The few people that do support ARM-64, (possibly Ubuntu?), are getting a lot of support from folks like NVIDIA because of the work they did for their own boards like the Nano.
Are you tilting at windmills? I don’t think so.
Are you making a fancy unicorn? I don’t think so for that one either.
Will it take a non-trivial amount of work to make it happen? very likely.
I’m sure it is possible, I did it for 64-bit Ubuntu. This was simply a whim to see if by some magic it would install with the “official installation” method.
No interest beyond slight curiosity.
I did submit a WIBNI issue for the update/install script to declare failure to install and suggest Legacy PiOS.