Ultrasonic connector cable

I already have a number of ultrasonic range finders, can I buy a connector cable for the gopigo anywhere (ideally in the UK?)

I am also considering using other alternative sensors so would appreciate more than one

Hey Alisone,
The example code we have is for the Seeed ultrasonic sensor. The reasoning is that it has a really easy to use connector.

Since the GoPiGo has an Arduino on board and Ultrasonic sensors are almost all standard design, it should be possible to break one of the sensor connections out to your ultrasonic sensor.

so is there somewhere I can buy a connector cable?

Sure. You can buy cables at seeed here: http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/Grove-Universal-4-Pin-20cm-Unbuckled-Cable-5-PCs-Pack-p-749.html

Or on Amazon Here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00F2VQUOW?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393177&creativeASIN=B00F2VQUOW&linkCode=shr&tag=dexteindus-20&linkId=437CBD3FA4A4X4SS&qid=1416918500&sr=8-1&keywords=grove+seeed+cable

For people in the UK, I found these which I’ve used to successfully connect my 3rd party ultrasonic ranger
