I purchased a GoPiGo2 starter kit a few months ago which came with an ultrasonic sonar. After assembling it I noticed the sonar reading in very strange values that didn’t make since in relation to what it should have been sensing. It could not recognize when a large sheet of paper was inches from it and would output the distance 681 semi-regularly.
Fortunately I had also purchased a GrovePi IoT kit along with my GoPiGo2 starter kit and had an extra sonar. So I replaced the original sonar and immediately noticed a difference. The new sonar read in distances properly and operated completely as expected. After less than 2 months very infrequent use the “newer” sonar has begun to malfunction. Sometimes it performs normally other times it reads in very large distances while moving towards a “target” or will be stationary reading in the same distance and all of sudden read 0.
This is my 2nd sonar and I’m very disappointed that 2 of these sensors have failed in the same manner within months (one arrived “broken”). I have changed the Grove cables hoping the issue might lie there, but it did fix anything. I have been trying to perform some experiments that require the sonar and can now no longer do so. Can someone offer guidance, assistance, support, new parts?