Update BrickPi FW with USBASP Programmer [SOLVED]

Hmm. Ok, so I’m glad we’re making progress (sort of? :slight_smile: ) Just making sure; the latest firmware is 2.5. That has EV3 code in it and some updates. (See here). The specific and important file for flashing is “BrickPiFW_2.5.hex”; just want to make sure in all the file shuffling that we used that file for sure; and not an older version.

My setup:

I created new directory and cloned your repo. I entered newClone\BrickPi\Firmware_BrickPi\Firmware_2.5 and there is no arduino script.

Then I opened first script:

Look on 5th and 39th line. Is that ok?
Same stuff is in “newClone\BrickPi\Firmware_BrickPi\Updating_the_Firmware\Firmware_Loading_Package_2013.07.05\BrickPiFW_UC1 - Arduino Script.bat”
And guess I need to change “avrispmkII” to arduino’s “avrisp”.
So I modified scripts (I only changed the begging of lines, all right from -U stayed as it was):

At this point I noticed that the file you mentioned is mentioned in scripts and compressed comunications is not in the folder with scripts.
If I run the scripts now it will end just like it ended in my previous post. I think its because, later I removed checking for files and it went on and ‘used’ not existing compressed comms and that is why it has failed. I think you might have forgotten to change scripts after copying it from other directory.

Should I change compressed comms to that file you mentioned? Well I’ll go ahead and do that.

During installation orange led on arduino is blinking. Maybe that will indicate something to you.
Anyway here are outputs:
out1-13.12.2016.txt (5.5 KB)

out2-13.12.2016.txt (5.5 KB)

I attached motor to port A and gyro sensor (EV3) to port s4.

pi@dex:~/Desktop/BrickPi_Python/Sensor_Examples $ sudo python EV3-Firmware_Check.py
Trying to communicate with firmware.
PASS: Serial line setup.

Setup sensors returns: 0
Checking Firmware Version of BrickPi.
Firmware version is: 2
GREAT!  Firmware is up to date!
You should be able to run EV3 sensors!

FW v is 2 but as long as gyro works I’m happy !

HUGE THANK YOU GUYS ! You are the best !

EDIT 2 :
GYRO WORKS! - it used to give me 0 or 1043 but now when i move it it gives me more data. Negative and positive. That’s nice ;D

Hurray! So glad this is working!! Great work, and thanks for your patience!

As a note: those green boards are pretty old, I’m amazed you have one. That would have been our very very very first batch of BrickPi from way back in the day!

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