Upgrading Charlie to the "latest" rev GoPiGo bord

Micro Center sells a T-shirt that says “I void warranties”.

I guess I should buy one. :wink: :grin:

Determined to upgrade Charlie to the Pi-4 I bought him, I decided to move that pesky capacitor out of the way so I cou install the Pi-4 without needing stilts.


I didn’t have any Tak-Pak so I used a blob of super-glue to attach the capacitor and immobilize the wires.

Let me re-assemble Charlie and we’ll see what happens!

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That is easy to predict - race between speedometer and gas gauge - and the gas gauge always wins in the end.

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I have a trick up my sleeve:

When I ordered the pan/tilt mount I also ordered a DC - DC buck/boost board and I have my eye on a Ryobi +One 18v battery pack. (It actually reads 20v, but I can convert down to 12v easily.). I’m going to build a (temporary) battery clip that can attach to the top of the battery until I can get the correct connector.

That should help.

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