Followed the unstructions on the page above to install Raspbian for Robots, went to the Sourceforge site, downloaded the Raspbian for Robots image, burned it onto an SD card.
Ah, good suggestions. However, my device keeps returning IP address and that IP is unreachable.
I have tried plugging straight in to our local network, everything, I keep getting IP
Why did they remove the desktop environment and then make it so you can only SSH or VNC in? This is all very odd. The OS went from one that was great for teaching to one which is impossible to trouble-shoot.
I can’t speak for DI, but it is an OS for mobile robots, which makes an hdmi connected monitor somewhat difficult to use and Remote Desktop quite convenient by comparison.
I tried the password provided here but for my gopigo it wont accept those credentials. I havent done any config and even password change yet. I am just testing it and tried using the root pwd but it fails… Any suggestion
Hello @madapaka_sana
the ‘robots1234’ password will only work on Rapsbian for Robots. If you are using DexterOS, then you don’t get access to the system. You need to connect to the robot via its wifi access point, then control it via your browser.