Win IOT not reading sensors

I have tried the helloblinky sample and the tempandhumid sample. neither are working. Is there some troubleshooting I can do to figure out what is wrong?

Everything builds fine from visual studio and it deploys. I just get zeros back from temp sensor and the light does not blink when running helloblinky.

Hello @tremblayst
Win IoT has gone through a few changes lately, including support for Pi3. Are you running with a Pi3?
I’m sorry but I have to admit that due to a computer change, I’m not currently set up for WinIoT. I should get it back up on my new computer though. Thanks for the reminder!


I am using a pi3. I have been getting a lot of I/O errors.

System.Exception: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007045D)
   at Windows.Devices.I2c.I2cDevice.WritePartial(Byte[] buffer)
   at GrovePi.GrovePi.PinMode(Pin pin, PinMode mode)
   at GrovePi.Sensors.Sensor`1..ctor(IGrovePi device, Pin pin, PinMode pinMode)
   at GrovePi.Sensors.Led..ctor(IGrovePi device, Pin pin)
   at GrovePi.DeviceBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<Led>b__0(GrovePi x)
   at GrovePi.DeviceBuilder.DoBuild[TSensor](Func`2 factory)
   at GrovePi.DeviceBuilder.Led(Pin pin)
   at HelloWorldBlinky.StartupTask.<Run>d__1.MoveNext()

I get the IO errors when upgrading to the most recent version of iot core (10.0; Build 10586). When I stay on version (10.0; Build 10240), then there are not IO errors but I get 0 for temp and humidity and cannot get the led to blink.