I am in the process of trying to build a more life like worm and add the worm brain program for the GoPiGp GoPiGoConnectome.py. I am using a RPi with BrickPi to build the physical robot. The worm head has omni directional wheels so that the worm head can move in anyway and any direction see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVAuaDbtAbA&feature=youtu.be
Does anyone here have any experience with the worm brain project? and can help wiht any mods that I need to do with the code to make it work on RPi
This is a fantastic project Shane, thanks for posting this! If you are going to dive deep on the code of the worm brain, I would recommend contacting the Connectome project. They’re the experts! And they’re really enthusiastic about this stuff, I’m sure they’d love to help.
I have since contacted Tim and he seemed interested in what I was doing and provided a little advice mind by the adive he provided he seemed to assume that I understand how a connectome works, ha ha ha. So it seems that I probaby have a bit of reading to do to understand how the brain works.
But for sure I could take his worm brain and create a better robot to put his worm brain into.