Python2 has been officially depreciated by the Python maintainers and most, (if not all), Python projects and libraries no longer support Python2.
GoPiGo OS has backwards support for Python2, but Python3 is the default Python build if not specified otherwise.
Certain GoPiGo utilities, such as the control panel, have a dependency on wxPython, which though it supports Python3, does not appear to be available to Python3.
Is it possible to make the current wxPython installed in GPGOS accessible to Python3?
If I do a “pip install wxpython”, (that will install the latest version), from within a terminal window after invoking python3, will this overwrite the existing wxPython install that’s accessible to Python2, or will it be its own separate installation, exclusive to Python3? If it replaces it, it will break any Python2 utilities that depend on wxPython.
Enhancement request:
@cleoqc and @mitch.kremm
Since Python3 is now THE supported python release, and (hopefully), everyone has gotten with the program, can we update the utilities that depend on Python2 to work with Python3? -
Enhancement request:
@cleoqc @mitch.kremm
If I determine that installing wxPython’s latest release (that only supports Python-3 now), effectively solves the problem, how do I tell you of this?