Every sensor has personality (reality) that the user must learn to effectively use the information coming from the sensor.
The YDLiDAR personality starts with being a family of LiDARs, each needing specific values for 21 parameters, and in fact some of the parameters have a range of values although the range is different for the particular LiDAR model.
These are what I am trying for the YDLiDAR X4 model:
port: /dev/ttyUSB0
frame_id: laser_frame
ignore_array: ""
baudrate: 128000
lidar_type: 1
device_type: 6
sample_rate: 5 <-- This is actually 5000 Hz sample rate
abnormal_check_count: 4
fixed_resolution: true
reversion: false
inverted: true
auto_reconnect: true
isSingleChannel: false
intensity: false
support_motor_dtr: true
angle_max: 180.0
angle_min: -180.0
range_max: 10.0
range_min: 0.12
frequency: 7.0 <-- to get roughly 360 degree readings by 1/2 degree on the X4 LiDAR
invalid_range_is_inf: false
BUT then there are the mystery personalities that the user must discover … like one of the ranges around the straight ahead direction is always coming in at ZERO - and that just happened to be the direction I initially chose to use as my “front distance”
************* DEBUG 120 **********
*** Entering Scan Client Callback
*** angle_min: -180 max: 180 increment: 0.50
*** range[724] index - left 543 front 361 back 723 right 181
left: 0.290 cnt: 794
front: 0.582 cnt: 849
back: 0.227 cnt: 815
right: 0.494 cnt: 802
scan_msg.ranges[359]: 0.587 always 0? no
scan_msg.ranges[360]: 0.585 always 0? no
scan_msg.ranges[361]: 0.582 always 0? no
scan_msg.ranges[362]: 0.000 always 0? yes
scan_msg.ranges[363]: 0.579 always 0? no
************* DEBUG **********
After roughly two minutes of 8.8 scans per second - each scan supposedly containing 724 ranges in the full circle around the bot, the sensor gave non-zero readings in the four cardinal directions I have chosen about 800 times - or roughly 75% of the time.
BUT I unwisely chose (number of ranges over two) which itself was ignoring the “zero-based arrays”, and unlucky for me - the range on this particular sensor (I can’t speak for anyone else’s sensor) will always be zero…
Reality always strikes me late.
BUT now there is that list of parameters to consider - what happens if I change
frequency: 7.0 <-- to get full circle of readings by roughly 0.5 degree on the X4 LiDAR
frequency: 9.0 <-- to get full circle of readings by roughly 0.6 degree on the X4 LiDAR
Voila! - non-zero readings nearing 100% of the time in all directions
************* DEBUG 120 **********
*** Entering Scan Client Callback
*** angle_min: -180 max: 180 increment: 0.64
*** range[561] index - left 420 front 279 back 560 right 140
left: 0.290 cnt: 1080
front: 0.584 cnt: 1080
back: 0.227 cnt: 1080
right: 0.493 cnt: 1079
scan_msg.ranges[277]: 0.590 always 0? no
scan_msg.ranges[278]: 0.587 always 0? no
scan_msg.ranges[279]: 0.584 always 0? no
scan_msg.ranges[280]: 0.583 always 0? no
scan_msg.ranges[281]: 0.580 always 0? no
************* DEBUG **********
$ ros2 topic hz /scan
average rate: 8.942
So in two minutes my scan_client received 1079 or 1080 non-zero values in two minutes at 8.9 hz:
1079 readings / 120 seconds / 8.9 scans/sec = approximately 100%
Thus for issue:
YDLidar X4 returning zero 25% of readings
Apply fix:
cd ~/ros2ws/src/ydlidar_ros2_driver/params
cp ydlidar.yaml ydlidar.yaml.v4
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slowrunner/ROS2-GoPiGo3/main/updates/ydlidar.yaml