YDLIDAR X4 Software Install Success on GoPiGo3 ROSbot

I got the LIDAR SDK software installed today, which allows me to hear the LIDAR spinning and confirm the unit is functioning correctly.

While I have ROS2 “desktop” installed on my desktop system and ROS2 “base” installed on my GoPiGo3, I have not learned how to use either, so this test was with the SDK’s ydlidar_test program.

The software install method is at the bottom of this post, and now for the 1 minute “ta da!” experience: ( TL,DW;) LIDAR +3dBA barely audible )

Setup YDLIDAR X4 on ROSbot

=== Prereqs

  • Linux OS: Using Ubuntu 20.04 Server LTS 64-bit
  • External 5v power connected to microUSB of Interface Card
  • USB A to USB C cable from RPi to Interface Card

==== Download and Install Latest SDK

$ cd ~  (/home/pi)
$ git clone https://github.com/YDLIDAR/YDLidar-SDK
$ cd YDLidar-SDK/build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
-- Installing: /usr/local/bin/ydlidar_test     <-- only applicable test for YDLIDAR X4

- Baudrate? 1 (128000)
- one-way? no
- scan freq? 5

\ \ / /  _ \| |   |_ _|  _ \  / \  |  _ \ 
 \ V /| | | | |    | || | | |/ _ \ | |_) | 
  | | | |_| | |___ | || |_| / ___ \|  _ <  
  |_| |____/|_____|___|____/_/   \_\_| \_\ 

0. 115200
1. 128000
2. 153600
3. 230400
4. 512000
Please select the lidar baudrate:1
Whether the Lidar is one-way communication[yes/no]:no
Please enter the lidar scan frequency[5-12]:5
YDLidar SDK initializing
YDLidar SDK has been initialized
[YDLIDAR]:SDK Version: 1.0.3
LiDAR successfully connected
[YDLIDAR]:Lidar running correctly ! The health status: good
[YDLIDAR] Connection established in [/dev/ttyUSB0][128000]:
Firmware version: 1.10
Hardware version: 1
Model: X4
Serial: 2020062200002315
LiDAR init success!
[YDLIDAR3]:Fixed Size: 1020
[YDLIDAR3]:Sample Rate: 5K
[YDLIDAR INFO] Current Sampling Rate : 5K
[YDLIDAR INFO] Now YDLIDAR is scanning ......
Scan received[1624198712776831000]: 567 ranges is [8.833922]Hz
Scan received[1624198712898864000]: 572 ranges is [8.756567]Hz
Scan received[1624198713013605000]: 571 ranges is [8.771930]Hz
281473638449600 thread has been canceled
[YDLIDAR INFO] Now YDLIDAR Scanning has stopped ......

=== Power Measurements
LIDAR draws

  • 132mA at battery 12v motor off, RPi shutdown (150mA at 11v)
  • 12mA at battery 11v motor off, RPi and GoPiGo3 up (after ran ydlidar_test)
  • 55mA at 11v scanning at 5 Hz

Pretty quiet. Your new robot is also quieter moving than mine (no doubt in large part because your floor is smoother, but also you have the plastic caster instead of metal). Seems you are off to a good start.