2024 - Best OS version to use for BrickPi

Greetings. I just purchased a Brickpi. I have a rapsbery pi3+. I am used to linux, been using it since 98. I am building this so my son can learn to program lego nxt using scratch. While we have the old lego sotware, I want him to learn the computer part with python. I have read the githubs, I have tried compiling the updates on multiple legacy OS. For some reason the SD image from soureceforge is not booting into a desktop nor is it booting. I used multiple different ways to burn it, including DD, etcher, etc. Now its 2024, what is the best OS to use (given that there are issues with python wxgtk3.0 libraries that break things, etc. I just wanted to do something simple. Install the OS, have scratch, and program the motors and sensors. I know I can use regular python, I see some dependencies on python2.x here.

Any hints on modernizing this for use would be great.



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Legacy Pi OS 32-bit. Is the recommended OS to use with the BrickPi install/update script.

That may be a problem. The install/update script does not install Scratch to my knowledge.

Raspbian For Robots, as recommended on the BrickPi page is now 5 years old. I have a Pi3B GoPiGo3 robot that is running R4Robots but I stopped updating it, because too many things were breaking. I don’t know why it is not installing.

Here are my install notes - don’t know if that will result in a working system or not. I would not run the update/upgrade step until you have a working system and a backup of the working system.

*** Download Raspian For Robots (2020_10_17 version is not available any more)

*** Current Instructions

*** Flash SD card with Raspberry Pi Imager / Etcher
  Select the Raspian For Robots zip file
  Select the 16GB SD Card

=== Mount the card to allow headless configuration
- Pull card out, reinsert for next steps

=== Enable SSH
- create a file called "ssh" (or ssh.txt) in the Boot partition
  (touch /boot/ssh)

=== Setup WiFi Headless

- create the file /boot/wpa_supplicant.conf  
   (quote chars must be straight up/down, traditional, not slanted/matched Unicode chars
   use     ssid="XXXX"

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


=== disable ipv6

Browse the disk (boot)
Rt Click on System Volume Information->Open Terminal Here
cd ..

cp /boot/cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.txt.bak
nano cmdline.txt
add to end of line/file:
save, exit editor

- eject disk

==== Raspbian First Boot 
-insert micro SD card
-power on
- on mac:  arp -a to check IP

=== First Login  
ssh pi@10.0.0.XX

The default login for Raspbian For Robots is username pi with the password robots1234 

=== is see SSH HOST KEY verification failed
on mac:  ssh-keygen -R 10.0.0.XX 

Login: username: pi  password: robots1234

=== Configure for locale, timezone, and expand filesystem to fill card
$ sudo raspi-config
   (You can exit menus by using Tab key, move to Finish, enter key)

  change password to XXXXX
  Network Options: change hostname to XXXX
  change Localisation:Locale -> remove en_GB, add en_US.UTF8
                                default local: en_US.UTF-8
  change Localisation:Timezone-> US->Eastern
  change Localisation:WiFi Country->US
  Interfacing:PiCamera enable

  reboot now yes

=== LOG IN Again


=== Change TightVNC password ====

at a terminal:
  <new password>
  <new password>
  n   (do not set up a view only "no password" login)

=== update now
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get full-upgrade

==== Check  TEMPERATURE 

To view the Pi's temperature
   vcgencmd measure_temp 

It's generally a good idea to keep the core temperature below 70 degrees

=== info about processor, memory, disk partitions ===
cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/meminfo
cat /proc/partitions
cat /proc/version
   Stretch kernal: Linux version 4.9.41-v7+

free -h     displays memory usage 
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           875M         69M        540M         11M        266M        745M
Swap:           99M          0B         99M

=== check memory usage program 

q to exit

Record the ipV4 addresses:
    GoPiGo3     : 10.0.0.XXX  


To scan for WiFi networks, use the command
   iwlist scan | less 

=== check time zone
$ date         to check if correct time

========= SSH from mac to Pi =====
(SSH enabled in raspi-config)

ssh -l pi 10.0.0.xxx   (wireless)
ssh pi@10.0.0.xxx
password: robots1234 (changed to XXXX)

===== rebooting ====
sudo shutdown -r now  (or sudo reboot)
(if doesn’t come back up try
sudo shutdown -t9 -r now  
or (sync;sync;sudo reboot -d -f -i)

==== check disk file systems =====
df -h  
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        15G  4.2G  9.9G  30% /
devtmpfs        434M     0  434M   0% /dev
tmpfs           438M     0  438M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           438M   12M  427M   3% /run
tmpfs           5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs           438M     0  438M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1   42M   21M   21M  51% /boot
tmpfs            88M     0   88M   0% /run/user/1000

==== disk space of a directory: 

$ du -hD

=== install disk monitor tool
sudo apt-get install dstat
dstat -cd --disk-util --disk-tps

sudo apt-get install iotop
sudo iotop -o

?? === install atop (may waste CPU cycles if not needed )
   sudo apt-get install atop
   atop 5   (every 5 seconds)

sudo apt-get install iostat  ?? may be already installed ??
sudo iostat -d 5

glances --enable-process-extended

===== update and upgrade ===

$ sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get sudo apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true upgrade

$ sudo apt-get upgrade

===== Fix pip  ?

$sudo pip install --upgrade requests

===== test internet speed ====
$ sudo pip install speedtest-cli
$ speedtest

Speedtest Result 

  2018Aug22:  81.1 Mbps Download, 10.5Mbps Up 36ms ping
  2016Apr29:  29.5 Mbps Download, 11.0Mbps Up 38ms ping
  2015Jan25:  19.3 Mbps Download, 5.5 Mbps Up 40ms ping

===== describe hardware =====

sudo apt-get install lshw  

sudo lshw

=== check memory ===
sudo lshw
          description: System memory
          physical id: 4
          size: 862MiB

$ free -h
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          862M       232M       630M       5.9M        14M       177M
Swap:          99M         0B        99M

======  Testing Disk speed =====
sudo hdparm -t /dev/mmcblk0  (sudo apt-get install hdparm)

  Pi3: 62 MB in 3.06s = 20.27 MB/sec
  pi B+: 54 MB in 3s = 17.7 MB/s

======= check OS version ======
cat /etc/os-release

PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

==== check Pi firmware version

vcgencmd version
uname -a

==== SHUTTING DOWN Pi ======
sudo poweroff  ( or shutdown -h now )
Safe to remove power when green light blinks a bunch (12 times) and then stops blinking

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Raspbian For Robots is the recommended OS for the Brick Pi because everything is pre-installed and pre-configured out of the box.

So far, I believe that I am the only one here with copies of both Raspbian For Robots and Dexter O/S and none of us have a Brick Pi.

We will do the best we can to support you despite that.

You can also try @cyclicalobsessive’s installation on Buster, though I have no idea if it works.


  1. Download Raspbian For Robots first and see if you can get the Brick Pi working.


  1. Then, if you want, download legacy Buster, 32 bit, and try installing the Brick Pi libraries and the sensor libraries if you’re going to use Dexter sensors with it.

A “just out of curiosity” question:
What do you plan to do with the Brick Pi?

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An important caveat:

The recommended version of Raspbian For Robots that I suggested is based on RaspbianStretch, and as a consequence it is NOT compatible with the Pi-4.

If you ever decide to migrate your Brick Pi to a Pi-4, you will need to download Raspberry Pi O/S Buster and install the libraries manually or install them over the Buster version of Raspbian For Robots.

Note that:

  • The Buster version of Raspbian For Robots was specifically designed for the GoPiGo-3 robot and specifically excluded support for other Dexter Industries devices.

  • I strongly suspect that you can manually install the Brick Pi libraries on that version and I also suspect that it will work.  However, nobody here has a Brick Pi, and that configuration hasn’t been tested as far as I know.
    If you DO install the Brick Pi libraries on that version, and it works, please let us know!

Also note:

  • None of this has ever been tried with Raspberry Pi O/S Bullseye or Bookworm. 

  • Bullseye might, just might, maybe, work with the Brick Pi libraries.  (Assuming a lot of both prayer and luck.)  You are welcome to try if you wish, but you will be in uncharted territory if you do.

  • It is very unlikely, (make that read "99.9999999% unlikely), to work with Bookworm absent significant amounts of effort and significant changes to the Brick Pi libraries.

Let us know what happens with your Brick.

You are more than welcome to join us and provide your expertise with the Brick Pi, which is sadly lacking here.

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Additional important notes:

  1. You can use R4R Buster if you have a Brick Pi-3 instead of an earlier version.  Since we don’t know what version of the Brick Pi you have and since you’re using a Pi-3, I recommended the most generic version, (Stretch).

  2. All versions of R4R include Scratch because it is pre-installed with the base Raspberry Pi software.  As I remember Scratch doesn’t support the robot, (or it is implemented so clumsily due to the way Scratch is designed), as to be essentially useless.  (I could be mistaken as I haven’t used R4R in years, but that’s what I remember.)

  3. If you want to use a Scratch-like programming environment, Dexter has a special version of Google’s Blockly language called “Bloxter” that is specifically designed for the robots.  (Though you can do other things too.)  This is only available for the Brick Pi if you use the Dexter OS.

  4. Dexter OS is specifically designed for a classroom environment and is “locked down” so that students cannot inadvertently damage the operating system and is specifically designed to be used with a web browser set to  (It broadcasts it’s own access point that you connect to before you use it.)

    • If, (somehow or other), the system goes all pear-shaped, all you have to do is reboot and everything is working normally again.

My own personal recommendation, unless you have a particular and special reason for using the Brick Pi, (wanting to use the Lego Mindstorms world of accessories, for example), is that you get a GoPiGo robot, as it is the most flexible and accessable device in the Dexter family, and your son won’t outgrow it.

Your son can use a simple block-based language to start with, and then migrate to more advanced languages and projects as his skills improve.

Likewise the GoPiGo can be easily extended with additional accessories, (like a pan-and-tilt for a camera or distance sensor).  Literally the possible configurations are only limited by your imagination, (and wallet!)


This is my robot, Charlie, with a pan-and-tilt and a front bumper made from a cheap BBQ skewer.

@cyclicalobsessive’s robots are designed to look like Minions.

Others have emphasized the “car” like aspect of the robot.

The sky’s the limit!

What say ye?

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